NHI Adult/Senior Care
Care for elderly clients recuperating from injuries, illness or surgery, chronic debilitating conditions, or
those that simply need help with activities of daily living, nursing care, supervision, personal care and/or
home-making services.

NHI Alzheimers Care
Care for clients who need special understanding and support. Provide compassion for family members
in these difficult times. Assist with activities of daily living to promote optimum quality of life.

NHI Paediatric Care
Care for newborns, children and physically challenged children. Provide for the special needs of clients
through our staff, specifically trained in the care of the disabled. Assist with the activities of daily living enabling clients to enjoy life with dignity.

NHI Mental Health Care
Care for adults/children with developmental disabilities. Show compassion and understanding in caring for clients with mental health disorders. Provide direction to challenged clients so they might live with respect

NHI Rehabilitation Care
Care for adults/children requiring rehabilitative services due to brain or spinal cord trauma, fractures, cardiovascular diseases or cerebrovascular accidents (Acquired Brain Injury care). Assistance is provided by caregivers with specialized skills who work with clients whose lives have been radically altered by injury or disease.

Compassionate, knowledgeable and understanding care for clients living with HIV/AIDS. Provide services to help clients live quality lives with dignity and respect.

NHI Palliative Care
Care for clients with life-threatening illness. Provide compassion and support for both client and family members in these difficult times. Provide comfort measures by qualified professionally trained staff.

NHI Respite Care
This service is provided so family members who are the primary caregivers may take much needed breaks from the demanding routines of caring for loved ones at home. Respite programs range from a few hours weekly to a few hours per day.

Long Term Care Staffing
Nursing & Homemakers Inc. is able to provide you with nurses or personal support workers when you have complex medical conditions and you have long term care needs, you need trained professionals who are able to help you recuperate in the comfort of your long term care facility.

Retirement Home Staffing
Health is where the home is and Nursing & Homemakers Inc. will bring healing home in the comfort of your own home whether it be retirement home, residential home or private home settings.

Developmental Services Staffing
Nursing & Homemakers Inc. will provide nurses, developmental services workers and personal support workers. Providing support to individuals of all ages who have intellectual or developmental disabilities. Support can be provided to individual in their own homes, work, in schools and to their families.